
Maiven is your personal, virtual, energy advisor.

Instead of trying to sell you expensive energy upgrade projects that may or may not be a good fit for your home - we empower you with information and accessibility, so you can choose better, sooner, and get the best deals.

How we work.

We partner with utilities, program implementers, governments, VPP aggregators, home performance contractors and more. Our platform makes energy programs more effective and less expensive - ultimately another savings for homeowners and renters as these program costs are part of utility fees.

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How to use Maiven.

Once your utility or city is registered with Maiven, you can create a Maiven account and meet your new AI-powered, virtual energy advisor. Intended for both homeowners and renters, our easy to use app guides users to complete their own home energy assessment. Maiven then calculates your best options and sends over a report comparing all of your energy upgrade opportunities. Since we don’t take a commission off of “sold” energy upgrades, we recommend free upgrade strategies as often as those that require some investment.


Virtual Energy Assessment


Calculate Energy Options


Your Custom Energy Plan


Maiven Marketplace

What We Believe

We believe that you can improve your quality of life by making sustainable choices - there is no longer a need to make sacrifices to your quality of living in order to do right by the planet. All of the technologies we need to balance the grid and reduce carbon emissions to a manageable level exist - now it is a matter of getting the right technology in the right places. To do that, we need to make it easy to access these technologies, and ensure the right choices for the planet are also the right choices for your family’s finances. And that is why we built Maiven.

Maiven is making it easy to do the right thing for your home, your budget, and the planet.